Our expertise at SOLVE lies in the characterization of a broad range of materials. We are working with everything from pharma companies’ peptide formulations to polymers from the food industry to startup’s newly developed nanoparticles. We can also assist in developing analytical methods as well as consultation tasks.

To meet our customers’ needs, our PhD level scientists have outstanding knowledge and experience in the analytical technologies, and the team has diverse scientific background. We have a well-equipped laboratory where we work according to industry expected quality standards. Our mission is to provide a variety of analytical services in customized projects, and we are working with customers from all over the world.

Our services help you gain comprehensive knowledge about the properties and performance of your materials, as well as eliminating costs associated with owning, operating, and maintaining expensive specialized equipment.

SOLVE’s headquarter is located at Medicon Village, Ideon in Lund. The city of Lund is centrally situated within the Öresund Region/Greater Copenhagen with Ideon being one of the 13 brain belts in the world where the smartest people work with a clear focus on Life Science and New Materials. This ideal location allows access to world class technology and advanced analysis techniques, such as MaxIV and ESS, to complement our core technologies. It also provides us a vantage point to easily collaborate with all types of clients across a wide variety of industries.

Field-flow fractionation – one of our core technologies

Field-flow fractionation, AF4, is one of our core techniques which allows us to determine properties – like size, molecular weight, shape – in relation to the performance of a material across the entire size distribution. Only very few CROs have the capability and the knowledge of running AF4 and using its full potential, both as a standalone method as well as orthogonal to SEC. The FDA requests methods orthogonal to SEC on an increasing basis, and AF4 has been listed as a preferred method for investigating protein aggregation. The increased demands for characterization of nanoparticles also require separation techniques such as AF4.

Some examples

To mention some examples, we have helped to:

  • Assess peptide and protein aggregation in protein therapeutics
  • Improve production, processing and characterization of nanoparticles
  • Improve the yield of recombinant proteins
  • Tailor the production and properties of biopolymers for enhanced functionality
  • Develop and formulate an emulsion-based commercially available product

Please take a look at our Cases and white papers for more details.